english help, please

2006-12-16 9:11 am
- "We are glad to hear that, and we hope you will enjoy your stay here in Hong Kong." 整句文法
- Should I take you to your hotel, or would you like to eat something (in/inside/at???) the airport first?
- Here you are = here you go???

Mr. Carter, I think you (must/should???) (be/feel???) jet-lagged. (Shall/should???) we go and see about your baggage now?

回答 (3)

2006-12-16 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
We are glad to hear that and we hope that you will enjoy your stay (here) in Hong Kong.

here - 可有可無

Should I take you to your hotel or would you like to HAVE SOMETHING TO EAT (in/at) the airport first?
in 同 at 都可以,通常地方比較大就用 in,細小小既就用 at. 另外 eat something 沒有錯,不過一般都唔會講 eat something.

Here you are 同 here you go 既意思都一樣 here you go 較為 casual 少少

2006-12-16 13:19:07 補充:
You only say "back to you hotel" if he isn't going to the hotel for the first time, but since you have mentioned airport, I guess he must be just getting off his flight so therefore, no need to put "back"

2006-12-16 13:19:23 補充:
Mr. Carter, I think you must be jet-lagged.Shall/should we go and look at your baggage now?如果佢同你唔熟,你應該用 shall ,因為會比較有禮貌。不過 should we 都係完全無問題。"see about your baggage" 我唔係好明你既意思,如果你話去拎返D行李可以話,"Should we go and pick up your luggages now?"
2006-12-16 5:57 pm
We are glad to hear that, and we hope you will enjoy your stay in Hong Kong.

如果你個stay係verb既就可以加here, 不過呢個係noun, 所以唔加好d, 同埋無咁累贅。

Should I take you BACK to your hotel, or would you like to HAVE something AT the airport first?

Here you are = here you go???
兩個既meaning都係一樣, 不過here you go 就係common d。

Mr. Carter, I think you SHOULD BE jet-lagged.
SHALL we go and see about your baggage now?
參考: 自己
2006-12-16 9:20 am
1. It is glad to hear that and we hope you will enjoy your time in Hong Kong.

2. Would you prefer me to take you to the hotel or go to have something at the airport first?

3. Here you go. ( Usually)

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