f.4 phy heat!!

2006-12-16 7:31 am
i want to ask, if two substance are have same mass and temperature, and they are heated up by the same heater, which substance will absorb more energy?
is it the substance which has higher specific heat capacity?WHY??

回答 (3)

2006-12-16 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
既然 mass 同 temperature 都係一樣..
咁specific heat capacity自然就吸多o的energy..
2006-12-16 8:06 am
佢地兩個一齊heat up


完完全全吾關個specific heat capacity事既

specific heat capacity吾同...只系會影響到佢地既溫度會有不同!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: 吾明在問吧@@"
2006-12-16 7:38 am
如果兩件物件係擺埋一齊... change in temperature都一樣既話
就係有高D specific heat capacity既物件.. 因為E= mc(change in temp)

如果分開.. 兩件物件既溫度不同
咁Energy gain就一樣.. P = E/t (from the heater)

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