
2006-12-16 7:16 am
要有關..唔好冇lala order之後賣單~

回答 (2)

2006-12-17 2:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q: Good evening, can i get you a table? how many people?
A: good evening, sure, five of us.

Q: Here is the menu for you. Can I get you something to drink first?
A: Sure. Can I have a coke / A glass of water is fine.

Q: Are you ready to order?
A: Yes. Can I have a chicken soup, a seafood salad, and a T-bone steak?

Q: How would you like your steak to be cooked?
A: medium

Q: would you like the salad to come as an appertizer or with the meal?
A: With the meal, put the dressing on the side.

After u eat.

Q: How's the food tonight?
A: Good.

Q: Can I get you some desert?
A: No thank you. I'm already full.

Q: Are you ready for the check?
A: Yes, I will pay with my credit card.

Q: Is the tips included?
A: Yes, the tips is included in the bill.

Q: Do you want your food to go?
A: Yes, pack the left over for me please.
參考: 自己
2006-12-16 7:56 am
1Q. How many people?
1A. We are a party of four.

2Q. Could you let me see a menu, please?
May I have (see) a menu, please?
Menu, please?
2A. Here you are / go.
A moment please.

3Q. What's the luncheon special today?
3A. Japanese sushi set.
Beef noodled in soup.

4Q. Would you like to place an order?
4A. I'll have a salad with Italian dressing.
I'll have a T-bone steak.

5Q. What kind of soup are you serving today?
5A. Clam chowder and vegetable soup.

6Q. How would you like your steak?
6A. Make it medium rare, please.
(you may also say 'rare, medium, well done' for the steak to be done)

7Q. How do you like your eggs?
7A. Sunny-side up / fried egg / boiled egg.

8Q. How much is my share?
8A. Let's go fifty-fifty.

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