我想問邊個係 Paris Hilton??

2006-12-16 5:53 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-16 6:06 am
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Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American socialite, singer, actress, fashion model, and author. She is an heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as her father, Richard Hilton's, real estate fortune.

Hilton is a socialite in both Manhattan and Los Angeles and she has been described as a "celebutante", a portmanteau of "celebrity" and "debutante".[1] She initially became well known due to her participation in the reality series, The Simple Life and 1 Night in Paris, an unauthorized sex video of her with her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, which was leaked onto the Internet. She has since branched out into many careers, including the most recent, in August 2006, launching a serious bid at a music career, with her debut pop album Paris.

2006-12-15 23:55:56 補充:
芭黎絲·惠妮·希爾頓(Paris Whitney Hilton,1981年2月17日)是美國希爾頓飯店的女繼承人。她和妹妹妮姬·希爾頓(Nicky Hilton)在美國是有名的社交名媛。姐妹倆由於喜歡參加各種派對,是派對動物的代表。因為和前男友拍攝的性愛錄影帶外流而聲名大噪。芭黎絲參與演出真人騷節目en:The Simple Life,在全美大受歡迎,建立了她的知名度。最近她發展歌唱事業,在8月推出了個人專輯「Paris」。
參考: Paris Hilton's Official Site
2006-12-17 1:40 am
Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American socialite, singer, actress, fashion model, and author. She is an heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune, as well as her father, Richard Hilton's, real estate fortune.

Hilton is a socialite in both Manhattan and Los Angeles and she has been described as a "celebutante", a portmanteau of "celebrity" and "debutante".[1] She initially became well known due to her participation in the reality series, The Simple Life and 1 Night in Paris, an unauthorized sex video of her with her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, who leaked it onto the Internet. She has since branched out into many careers, including the most recent, in August 2006, launching a serious bid at a music career, with her debut pop album Paris.
參考: I ve answered once!

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