Runescape~~what is `sleeping bag``

2006-12-16 5:01 am
Runescape~~what is `sleeping bag``

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 9:39 pm
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“Sleeping bag”我諗係players在做同一件事好耐而彈出來的,因為人做o野耐自然會fatigue(累),sleping bed就係當你做一樣o野好耐時出現的,而當你進入「睡眠狀態」時就會要你輸入一個英文生字你先可以醒番,不過而家應該己經無啦~~~~

以下係有關“sleeping bag”的資料,節錄自
〝... something that will not be forgotten in a hurry was the big fiasco surrounding the concept of Fatigue, and having to regularly ‘sleep' on a bed (and later sleeping bags) because doing many tasks would increase your fatigue to 100%. And quite annoyingly, you'd have to type in a word to wake yourself up as shown below. This included mining, fishing, agility courses and more. Many attempts were made at balancing this new concept with features in the game and new bed locations sprang up across the world map! Rocks were split into hard rocks and soft rock we had deep and shallow fishing spots, combat training by fighting other monsters gave fatigue and numerous other changes. Thankfully the new version of Runescape did away with all that...〞


重有以下呢段資料係話“sleeping bag”因大眾要求而減低了fatigue程度的adjustment:
Fatigue reduced
By: Lightning Date: Monday, 25-Nov-2002
Due to popular demand, it is now possible to mine and fish for longer without getting tired!
There are now two sort of rocks you can mine:
Soft rocks - These rocks spawn quite slowly, but they are easy to mine so you get very little fatigue from them. Mining these rocks is much like mining was originally before we changed it. You can easily get a full load of ore before you become too tired to mine.
Hard rocks - These use our new mining system for less repeat clicking. You can get the ore out of the rocks very quickly, and you can see it spawn so you aren't clicking blindly. However you will need to rest quite often when mining these rocks. For people who don't like clicking the same spot on the screen over and over you may find this way more fun.
We've also adjusted the fishing system. We considered introducing deep and shallow fish, but it doesn't work too well so instead we've just made the fish give a lot less fatigue than before, and spawn close to the original rate. This was what most players indicated they wanted.
One final note: We are aware that the numbers of soft and hard rocks may need balancing slightly. We will be keeping a close eye on this to make sure there are enough rocks of each type available. Depending on which rock type is most popular we may need to adjust the numbers slightly, so there is no need to ask us about this.

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