[ 按金 ] 的英文是什麼?

2006-12-16 4:31 am
[ 按金 ] 的英文是什麼?
另外 如果我想對客人說 :
我們需要先收取 $xxx 的按金 多餘的金額我們會在結帳時交還給你
盼解答 謝謝

回答 (6)

2006-12-16 5:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
在這裡因為按金有不同的答案, 一個是 deposit 而另一個是 down payment, 所以還是先說說那個英文才是按金的正確答案.

i.) Deposit (noun)
1. SUM OF MONEY :- the first part of the money for a house, car, holiday etc. that you pay so that it will be kept for you: PUT DOWN A DEPOSIT (ON)
(= pay a deposit) We put down a deposit on a house last week.
2. RENT :-money that you pay when you rent or HIRE something, which will be given back if you do not damage the thing you are renting or hiring. You will have to pay one month's rent in advance, plus a DEPOSIT of $500.

ii.) Down payment (noun)
a paymet you make when you buy something that is ONLY PART of the FULL price. with the REST to be paid LATER.


Deposit 可以解釋為按金或訂金,
Down payment 則是首期或落訂金而不會是按金.

我們要收則是你要付出, 所以你那句應為:

You need to pay a deposit of $xxx and the overpaid balance will be refunded to you after the account has been finalised.

2006-12-15 22:12:09 補充:
其實我提議的那句好不好也很在乎你收的是什麼按金及什麼客人. 若知道多點便會好些.看見那些用機器幫人翻譯的真感到很失望, 就像這裡有人把先收取譯成: collect (收取) first(先), 幫人是好, 但請專業點, 不要為了些分數而讓人失望吧!想攺善自己的英文, 最好在幫人時也查查字典, 是真實的字典而不是電腦或電子字典.
2006-12-20 6:58 am
[ 按金 ] 的英文是deposit

我們需要先收取 $xxx 的按金 多餘的金額我們會在結帳時交還給你
We first collect $xxx deposit it return and you will be formed during checking out
參考: 快譯通
2006-12-16 5:55 am
按金的英文可以用deposit or down payment, 前者casual D,可以講時用; 後者formal D, 可以寫時用.

所以, 如果你想講時, 就
we have to charge for the deposit first, the surplus will be returned after the account is settled.

如果想寫時, 就
We have to receive the down payment first, the balance will be returned when the account is settled.
2006-12-16 4:44 am
按金的英文是Down payment
我們需要先收取 $xxx 的按金 多餘的金額我們會在結帳時交還給你是

We need to collect $ first Down payment of xxx We will return the surplus amount of money to you while checking out
2006-12-16 4:38 am

2006-12-15 20:44:48 補充:
全句是we need to charge $xxx as a deposit, and the balance amount will be return to you which the payment is settled.

2006-12-15 20:45:56 補充:
sorry, 不是which, 是whilewe need to charge $xxx as a deposit, and the balance amount will be return to you while the payment is settled.
2006-12-16 4:38 am
We need to collect first Down payment of $xxx .We will return the surplus amount of money to you while checking out .


我們需要先收取 $xxx 的按金 多餘的金額我們會在結帳時交還給你

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