
2006-12-16 3:01 am






回答 (2)

2006-12-16 3:08 am
✔ 最佳答案

The shark was a crowd of elasmobranchii fish's being generally called, this is a kind of ancient fingerling, when Jurassic Period already formed the modern type the shark, the shark body did not have the scale, the gill crack has 5-7. Each kind of between disparity is quite big, some meat, may swallow the seal, the sea turtle even person, some only eats the plankton; The big body long amounts to 20 meters, small only then several centimeters. Probably includes 5 item 20 branches (to classify scientist's opinion not not consistently), distributes in the world each place temperate zone and the tropics sea, but in the frigid zone survival shark, the common shark not too has not had the vigor in the 20℃ following water temperature.

Shark's reproduction all is the internal fertilization, has the viviparity, the ovo-viviparity or the egg lives, if is the egg lives the common egg all to have the protection cover.

Shark's sense organ is quite keen, has to the electric induction organ, may detect hides under the sand the game, in several kilometers beside sharks can smell the hemorrhage fishy smell.

China ancient times called the shark is “jiao”, thought is only Yu the Long large-scale aquatic biology, because his/her skin does not have the scale roughly, similar sandpaper, therefore is called the shark. English name originates from Masurium correct language xoc, originally in Atlantic the east coast only then the small shark, English is called “the pike”, until only then discovers the large-scale shark in the Caribbean Sea, therefore uses local Masurium Yaren the vocabulary.

The shark is injured cannot receive the bacterium infection, this arouses many biologist's interests, the idea is withdrawing the shark in vivo antibacterial matter, manufactures the new medicine.
2006-12-16 3:12 am
The shark is general term this of the gill fish of a herd of boards is that shark shark's health that a kind of old fish has already formed the modern type while planting in Jurassic Period does not have scale's gill slit and has one. Various kinds of what disparity have much quite carnivorous to can engulf seal , green turtle , some people take planktonic organism heavy body to as long as 20 a light one only a dozen only. The suggestion that probably includes 5 eyes and 20 subject taxonomy families is distributed in the ocean of the temperate zone and tropical zone throughout the world but the general shark of shark not surviving in the frigid zone inconsistently too Not very vigorous in the temperature under 20 degrees Centigrade. Reproduction of the shark is all that there are viviparity , ovoviviparity or oviparity in internal fertilization if is oviparity general ovum all protect shells. Sense organ of shark quite sensitive to have organ in electroinduction can is it hide prey under sand shark can take a sniff at offensive smell of bleeding outside several to discover. China calls shark ' Jiao ' to think that the large-scale aquatic living beings second only to the dragon have no scale to similar to the abrasive paper and called the shark coarsly because of their skin in ancient times. It was called ' the pike ' and did not find until in Caribbean that the large-scale shark adopts that there is only small-scale shark's English in the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean originally to stem from the language of Mayan in English name Vocabularies of people of local Mayan. The shark is injured and will not be being interested a lot of biologists the antibiotic material while drawing shark's body in the idea by this of bacterial infection in order to make new medicine.

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