Xanga background music link

2006-12-16 2:38 am
pls help me find ' backstreet boys' music link site
and ' shayne ward'....
the exact link is most preferable...
thx thx thx all!!!

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1)http://www.songarea.com/music-codes/b/backstreet_boys.html << Backstreet Boys

選完後,就click generate music code,
copy and paste落去xanga (look and feel )就應該得.

(2)http://www.projectplaylist.com/music?edit%5BSearchFor%5D=shayne+ward&edit%5BSearchField%5D=Keywords&edit%5BItemPage%5D=1&edit%5BTotalPages%5D=&op=Search << Shayne Ward

(要做左member先, 雖然好似好煩, but e個網好正gar!!!!~)
click入條link後,簡你個首歌ge碟, click入去, 再簡你個首歌, 選取合適ge mp3, click "Add To Playlist".ADD 左之後, 入去MY ACCOUNT , add your playlist to myspace, 咁就有得簡CODE GE 種類,自己簡la~ 要放係xanga 就click "Share your playlist on other sites!", copy 個code 落去look & feel 度就得嫁la~

我成日都用e兩個方法里放歌上去xanga, 都幾好用gar~ 希望幫到你la~

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