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香港有好多間非牟利佛教公司, 根據香港公司法, 註冊為非牟利的有限公司o
Under the Hong Kong Company Ordiances, nowadays, some Buddhist Organizations were incorporated and registered as limited companies with their business nature of being non-profit making organizations in order to operate smoothly to cope with the HK environment.
1]可以合法發收據, HKD100或以上, 可用於扣除自「應課稅之利潤」
There are some convenient benefits such as legally issuance of Official Receipts to the donators. A receipt for a donation of HKD100 or above can be used to reduce the Assessable Profits of the donator.
Also, the Company can carry out legally activities for fund sourcings.
3]收支的損益, 是名surplus / deficit, 而非 profit / loss