Yahoo 同 Google 既 Image 有冇版權

2006-12-16 12:32 am
請問0係 Yahoo 同 Google download 落黎既image 會唔會有版權?

如果用黎做設計(例如廣告牌) 會唔會俾人告?

回答 (2)

2006-12-17 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
有, Yahoo 同 Google 本身既就係 Yahoo 同 Google 既,
如果係其他網 search 出黎就係屬於個個網既!!

有機會會, 如果持有人追究的話。
2006-12-21 7:02 am
What Mandy so said are correct. I am just adding some advices.

If your work is done for a big company you may email the web site(s) where you picked the photos from, asking them their consent to use the photo with a loyalty you offered. You may set a time frame for a reply. If you hear no response after the time frame, go ahead to use the pics.... It is not a legal and contractual binding way to use other people's work. But in case they sue you, you have proof that you attempted to pay. Practically either the sites have a standard rate for their professional photos; the other sites just don't really care.

As far as I know, some small production houses in Hong Kong never care to pay any loyalty and they pick only from small sites in overseas.

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