i dream about my dad...

2006-12-16 12:24 am
my dad has passed away last week. these few days i didnt feel good, i feel so regret cuz i think i could take better care of him when he's still here....
i dream about him this morning, said " i am so sorry dad, let me make it up to u, i will take extra care of u, n let fight against da sickness". n he said, "um...ok...yes..."
so does it mean dat he got my msg? n he has forgiven me aldy???

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am so sorry to hear this bad news...願主保佑貴父親

親人既離去, 是會令人傷心, 雖然你認為你在父親生前沒有好好孝順 / 照顧他, 但相信作為父親的他, 並沒有介意此事

好好生活, 努力向前, 掌握生命中幸運的點點滴滴, 我相信才是貴父親最希望的事

參考: 自己

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