
2006-12-16 12:15 am
什麼是"二判"?另外, foreman大致上又係做咩架呢?

回答 (2)

2006-12-16 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
二判 = sub-contractor, 大判接到工程後,把部份工序分判予二判承造,例如大判造水泥石屎,把木工分判予二判。

2006-12-16 11:37 pm
一判 is main / general / prime contractor

二判 is the sub-contractor of the 一判

三判 is the sub-contractor of the 二判.

... and etc.

foreman is the one manage the site works. Normally, he will look after the logistic of the each site operation, such as excavation, concreting, etc. General foreman 老總 is his superior.

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