deep cleansing...

2006-12-15 11:00 pm
which deep cleansing mask is good? menard, origins, skin food, missha, dhc, lush, clinique,orbis, borghest, body shop? i have heard that body shop & borghest are good. my skin is quite dry but if the mask is dry, that's ok. i just want it to be very clean becoz i have a lot of blackhead and big pores on my nose. my skin is a bit sensitive.

回答 (6)

2006-12-24 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think I can give some ideas about the deep cleansing mask.

If your skin is sensitive skin, then I think it is more appropriate to use LUSH Mint cleansing mask. This one is very good and I am currently using it. The cost is $145 for 315g. The effect is quite good, and this mask remove my blackheads~

Second choice: Borghese~ Dry to normal skin then use white mud~ Oil to normal skin then use green mud~ This one is also similar to the price of lush~ And the cleansing effect is good too! But why I choose this one as second choice is that aftering using this mask, u have to use some hydration mask or u will find that yr skin is very very dry! Also, some ppl said that it is quite "na" and I think if yr skin is sensitive, then this one is not that suitable for u. (as yr reference, I use green mud on t zone and white mud on the remaining parts)

Origins: Not quite suitbale for sensitive skin. The cleansing effect is good. But the price is quite expensive, compared to the one of LUSH and Borghese.

Skinfood: Same reason as Origins. And the cleansing effect is not as good as Origins.

Missha & DHC & Clinique: USELESS!!!

I just commend on the one that I have tried before~ I didn't try any other brands that u mentioned above.
參考: Me
2006-12-22 10:19 am
H2O+ Mud Mask or Origins - Clear Improvement
2006-12-18 1:47 am
siknfood青 x保濕mask ,is bery bad,一點也不保濕,雖然平,但不建議waste money ~!~
origins products are good and natual!~u can try,i tried this products many things ~
i recommend you use originsDrink up for保濕,有一隻黑色mask for deep cleansing,bith $180,其實可以用好耐,效果好好!~
參考: me
2006-12-16 9:20 am
I suggest u use esttius (shishdoo sister line) soup .....
the price is ok ..
the product is so good...........
2006-12-16 2:53 am
我一向愛用L'OREAL的潔面乳 , 它的完美細緻毛孔潔面露只是五十多元 , 就能把深層的污穢沖走 , 第一次使用後 ,自覺皮膚十分清爽 , 加上現在日子有功 , 鼻上的毛孔變得十分細滑

而且L'OREAL是歐洲的最權威品牌 , 甚有品質保証 ,絻不信色於那麼國際品牌

不景 , L'OREAL 的主要對像是OL和成熟女性 , 所以選凙其產品時要細心選擇合色自己的, 如果是少女的話 , 當然是選凙些潔淨毛孔的護膚品及潔面乳, 而不是護膚的產品, 否則會弄巧反絶
2006-12-16 2:39 am
潔面後,取適量避開眼、唇四周以按模式均勻塗抹於臉部 10 至 15 分鐘後,再以溫水洗淨。 100g


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