Ex-girlfriend send200pcs photos....urgent!!!

2006-12-15 7:54 pm
Ex-girlfriend of my husband send 100pcs in E-mail(including single and view photo), then send 200pcs (including USA view and single, no her boyfriend),had problem? i saw that she only send to him, also he replied,had problem??husband said that she was his colleague,all the colleague have the photo,is true?? He is a liar? i don't trust him again la!!! even he said he love me!what i can do?

回答 (3)

I wouldnt be too hard on it, she sent him e-mail and pics not your husband send her. Anyway, you should communicate with your husband, I always check my husband e-mail for him and there is no secret. If he let you know about it, it means he doesnt really cared about it, if he didnt told you about it himself, then there is a little problem.
2006-12-16 2:05 am
Tell him honestly you are not comfortable with the emails, ask him to tell you whenever there is email from ex-girlfriend, and view the photos together. Give comments on the photo. And when he reply ex-gf, ask him to tell her that you two view the photo together, and give her your comments of the photos.
The reason of doing this is: 1. this show your husband that you trust him. 2. this tells ex-gf that you and your hubby has an honest and good relationship.
2006-12-16 12:47 am
I am sure that you still loved your husband, this is why you marry him in the first place. Sometimes, it is best to believe in yourself and your husband and overcome any problems happened in your marriage. There will certainly be conflicts and arguements in all the marriages. However, it should only grow stronger and tighter after arguements, because both will understand more about each other life style.
I don't quite understand your situation and what you want to ask, so I hope you understand the meaning of marriage and the path will show itself eventually.

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