May anyone plz teach me how to make a green tea cheese cake?

2006-12-15 4:57 pm
May anyone plz teach me how to make a green tea cheese cake?
or u may just give me a recipe!~
thx a lottt~
but oh, they must taste good n not very hard to make~ thank youuu!!!~ i need it tomorrow or on sunday!~ thx a lotttt!~

回答 (2)

2006-12-15 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
綠茶芝士輕蛋糕 Light Green Tea Cheese Cake

材料︰( 7 吋圓形蛋糕一個)
忌廉芝士 250克
鮮奶 125毫升
無鹽牛油 45克  
蛋 4隻  
砂糖 80克  
粟米粉 1 茶匙
低筋麵粉 2 湯匙  
綠茶粉 15克  
食用(綠)色素 2 滴(隨意可省)  
rum 酒 1茶匙  
他他粉 1/4茶匙
1. 預熱焗爐180度 。所有材料要室溫 。
2. 忌廉芝士 + 無鹽牛油,用暖水隔熱方法打至軟滑。加入鮮奶+蛋黃+糖(40g)+ rum 酒 +綠茶粉+食用(綠)色素(如用的話))攪勻,篩入低筋麵粉及粟米粉,攪勻。

3. 用另一只大碗,將蛋白+他他粉,用電子攪拌器,打至8成企身,期間分次加入剩餘的砂糖,將蛋白分次加入麵粉糊中,輕輕伴勻。

4. 倒入7" 圓模中,然後坐入熱水在焗盤中,用隔水蒸烤的方法入焗爐焗60分鐘,取出稍待涼後脫模。可隨意裝飾,不裝飾亦可。

Don't know if you want English or Chinese recipe, so I include the English recipe too.


1 cup (generous) ground shortbread cookies (about 6 ounces)
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature (do not use whipped or "light" products)
1/2 cup (packed) fromage blanc*
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
4 large eggs
2 teaspoons Japanese green tea powder** or 2 teaspoons finely ground green tea from about 4 tea bags

2 1/2-pint containers fresh red raspberries
2 1/2-pint containers fresh golden raspberries
1 bunch fresh mint
Boiling water

For cake:
Preheat oven to 325°F. Press cookie crumbs firmly onto bottom (not sides) of 8-inch-diameter springform pan. Wrap outside of pan tightly with 3 layers of heavy-duty foil. Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese, fromage blanc, and sugar in large bowl until smooth. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating until incorporated after each addition. Beat in green tea powder until smooth. Pour batter over prepared crust in pan. Place cakein roasting pan; add enough hot water to roasting pan to come halfway up sides of springform pan.

Bake cake until set but center moves very slightly when pan is gently shaken, about 1 hour. Remove cake from roasting pan; cool 1 hour at room temperature. Refrigerate uncovered overnight. (Can be prepared 2 days ahead. Cover and keep refrigerated.)

For tisane:
Place 5 raspberries (mix of red and golden) and 3 mint leaves in each of 8 heatproof glasses. Fill glasses with boiling water; let steep 5 minutes.

Cut around pan sides to loosen cake; remove sides. Place cake on platter. Garnish cake with some raspberries. Cut cake into wedges. Serve each piece with a few raspberries and a glass of tisane.

*Fromage blanc is available at some supermarkets, cheese stores, and specialty foods stores.
**Green tea powder is available at Japanese markets.

Test-kitchen tip: The tisane doesn't really need sweetening, but serving it with rock candy swizzle sticks (available at candy stores and adds a touch of whimsy.

Makes 8 servings.
2006-12-16 1:12 am
You can see the below website.......hope can help u

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