About Install Mac OS

2006-12-15 4:12 pm
Isn't any computer can install Mac OS?
If can how?
Now I am Using Dell Inspiron 710m. I'm trying download a Mac OS in My computer computer to use.
But I donno how to install, somebody can help please....

回答 (2)

2006-12-20 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上,Mac OS只support係Mac機用,PC係安裝唔到的.
不過如果你想安裝Mac OS9的話,其實有個software叫sheep saver,係virtual machine黎的,可以用黎安裝Mac OS7 - Mac OS9.04的version,你上網找找啦.
2006-12-16 2:21 am
mac os can only install into mac machine

the hardware config. and architecture of mac and pc is totally different, you absolutely cannot install mac os into your dell pc.

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