I want to introduce myself in english(about interview)

2006-12-15 3:48 pm
my name is XXX,i am 24 old!! living in shamshuipo with my family.我做過幾份工既之前,
如waiter,assistant,and office assistant now i am.第一份工係做waiter先既係xx酒樓,需然人工唔錯,不過我覺得自己e+仲後生,應該要搵份學到野既工黎做,做左半年跟住係xxx超市做左年幾既shopping assistant ,lee份係臨時工!跟住係2005年10,搵左份office既工黎做,做左年幾有多,不過始終覺得自己唔舒合個行.因此想轉轉其他行業.我點解要選擇貴公司呢??因為我覺得貴公司既前景比較好,又有挑戰性!!而本人做野比較細心有耐性,我相信我會為貴公司earn 更多的利灡.之此,希望有機會和貴公司合作!!

回答 (3)

2006-12-15 5:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello; Mr/Ms. XXX
I've read your prepared draft about the introduction. Well, as an interviewee, who's gonna have a businesslike interview, we shouldn't use the words like "不過始終覺得自己唔舒合個行", should we? Instead, we should say "i've built skills and personal qualities by working", remember, it's cool to get job experience by working in a range of field. Well, that's just my point of view,,,anyways...i am tryin' ,and i hope it will help...

I was very pleased to read your advertisement in the XXX for a new staff to join your company, and i'm keen to be considered for this position. My name is XXX, 24-y-o, lving in SSPO (Why do you wanna tell them that you're living with your family?). I've have built on job experience by working on hotel, supermarket and office for the past few years, and I've worked in a variety of working environments: I worked in a large hotel as a waiter, where i learnt customer service skills. I learnt the skill of basics of sales by working in XXX supermarket for 18 (?) months as a shopping assistant. And i also gained communication skill and teamwork skill by working in an office for 18 (?) months at Oct 2005. Through my work experience i have gained a range of skills, and i believe my skills and experience match your requirements. I like each new challenge, and i'm an enthusiastic, creative person who is very quick on the uptake, and am very hard-working. I believe this will assist me in all areas of this position. I would very much like to work with you, and your compacy's reputation is second to none. I will contribute what i can afford to culminate profit for your company. So, i would very much like to be the flest blood of your company. Thanks a lot.


2006-12-15 10:17:24 補充:
P.S: I don't think it's appropriate to tell"需然人工唔錯 (They don't care.) 不過我覺得自己e 仲後生 (you've told them you're 24-y-o, ain't you?) ,應該要搵份學到野既工黎做" (Crap!)Cheers!

2006-12-15 10:30:43 補充:
Oops, awful typo "flest blood" should be "fresh blood"--the last sentence: So, i would very much like to be the fresh blood of your company.
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2006-12-15 5:25 pm

My name is XXX. I am 24 years old. I live in Shamshuipo with my family.

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