
2006-12-15 7:52 am

回答 (5)

2006-12-20 2:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Heineken - Germany
San Miguel - HK
Stella - Beiglum
Sapporo - Japan
Corona - Mexico
Budwiser - America
Michelob - America
Samuel Adam - America
Asahi - Japan
Tsing Tao - China
Colt 40 - America
2006-12-24 8:12 am
Heineken is from Holland but not Germany. If the Germans heard that Heineken is from Germany, they would be very angry since they never thought Heineken is a beer. They thought it is just a mixture of chemicals.
2006-12-20 7:35 am
如果係酒吧黎講,最多人飲應該就係budwiser喇,其實大部份ge酒都有苦味ga啦,只不過個人口味鍾意飲咩ga 0者
2006-12-15 7:57 am
飲完之後個人會講多d野..high high 地...
since有好多人都想high high 地..,好多人飲
2006-12-15 7:57 am
香港人的啤酒 - 生x啤


但可以解渴, and just relex

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