eat or drink

2006-12-15 6:57 am
what should i eat or drink before and afther exercise ?

回答 (7)

2006-12-16 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
before a challenging workout,recommend a high carbohydrate drink or sports bar.after training recommend a carbohydrate and protein drink or bar.
2006-12-17 8:23 am
2006-12-16 5:02 am
chocolate and water,keep yourself warm and full!
2006-12-16 12:12 am
Actually,I think you shouldn't eat or drink just before exercise, it's because that will make you feel uncomfortable . However i think you can drink some water before doing exercise but not after.
Maybe you can eat some bread or drink milk after finished doing exercise at least one hour.
參考: myself
2006-12-15 8:31 pm
2006-12-15 7:01 am
after exercise drink more water
2006-12-15 7:01 am
water and cool drink,the food you like....
參考: me &my ma

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