
2006-12-15 6:33 am

回答 (4)

2006-12-18 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案

2006-12-18 00:37:14 補充:
你 EMAIL 我啦,你都唔收信息的~~
2016-06-12 7:16 pm
你 係yahoo 搜尋:小提琴老師 有:藝銘專業小提琴許Sir,四十多年專業古典音樂風格小提琴老師(天水圍、油麻地粵華任教)
2010-06-22 3:12 am
本人為專業小提琴教師, 有五年教授各級小提琴和五級樂理經驗。本人已考獲英國皇家音樂學院8級小提琴以及英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院ATCL & LTCL兩張小提琴演奏級證書。如各位有興趣學習小提琴以及五級樂理, 歡迎聯絡。
email: [email protected]
msn: [email protected]

請各位駐明住址或區域, 因上門教授, 所以希望有初步了解, 還望各位見諒, 至於價錢方面, 則根據時數而定, 有30mins, 45mins, 60mins。

另外, 本人亦為女性, 現正就讀於大學音樂系, 質素方面可以放心。
2006-12-17 9:32 am
What is ATCL?
I know some, they are from conservatory, major violin performance. They are very busy for concerts.
However, what is ATCL?
If you are really eager to find one, I can try to contact them.
But first of all, do you learn playing violin, or you just simply ask to recommand to kind of music studio for commercial purpose?

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