dative covalent bond

2006-12-15 6:08 am
1.dative covalent bond 係咪一定係share 一對electron?
The dative covalent bond is a type of covalent bond in which the shared pair of electrons is supplied by only one of the bonded atom.
咩叫做bonded atom?
係咪即係lone pair 的electrons?

3.dative covalent bond係咪可以睇成share 一對lone pair 的electron?

回答 (1)

2006-12-15 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
One pair of electrons is shared in a dative covalent bond.

For a dative bond X→Y. The two bonded atoms are X atom and Y atom.

For example, consider a compound, H3N→BF3. The dative bond is N→B, and the two bonded atoms are N atom and B atom.

In the dative bond N→B, a pair of electron is shared which is supplied by the N atom.

可以看成是 share 一對 electrons。而該對 electrons 來自其中一個 bonded atom 的 lone pair of electrons.

This is because 「share a lone pair of electrons」共用孤電子對是 contradictory。Lone pair means unshared pair, and it thus will become 「share an unshared pair of electrons」。

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