
2006-12-15 4:16 am

回答 (6)

2006-12-15 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
是A賠償車房的損失,因為A醉酒駕駛,令車房損失。但B「 危 險 駕 駛 」。 危 險 駕 駛可以最 高 可 處 罰 款 港 幣 25, 000元 及 監 禁 3年 。 如 屬 首 次 被 定 罪 , 可 被 取 消 駕 駛 資 格 至 少 6個 月 ; 如 其 後 再 次 被 定 罪 , 則 可 被 取 消 駕 駛 資 格 至 少 18個 月 。
2006-12-15 6:08 pm
if u talk about remedy(compensation) it's civil cases but not criminal cases

then, in civil cases, it all depends on a question - Who caused the damage?

In your case, it can be A solely responsible for the damage because A may be driving too fast and hit B(which is stationary or driving very slowly) and push both cars into a garage

OR B is also speeding and will run into the garage anyway, A just hit it b4 B run into it.. then B had contributed to the damage too

SO we don't have sufficient information to determine the case
2006-12-15 6:07 am
2006-12-15 4:24 am

GOOD QUESTION!!表面睇係A好大機會要承擔所有賠償,但實際如何?無人會知!何解?

2006-12-15 4:21 am
2006-12-15 4:20 am

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