hkcee 有邊d exercise可以推介...

2006-12-15 2:30 am
有邊d exercise可以推介..
我發現市面上有好多唔同的.exercise 買....
因為我唔想只做past paper.....
又想by exercise ...又唔知buy邊d....

我讀 phy chem bio 同a-math的....

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Physics :
Aristo MC +LQ is good
3 LQ books and 1 MC book. It seems to me many people use this book and say it is good. I use these too.
Proficiency of PHysics (MC)
My teacher high recommends this and the MC is quite similar to CE.
Pilot LQ or Pilot MC
Quite useful.
New Certificate of Biology.
THe notes are very clear and the exercise can consolidate your knowledge too.
I haven't studied A maths.
However, i believe u don't need to worry a lot. Doing extra exercise may not necessary help. I am a F.6 student. Although i bought a lot of the above exercise, i hadn't done it at last. Because the past paper is very useful. U should do it repeatedly and analysis the answer. NOt just do it and leave it alone.
I advice you to do Physics (from 78-06)
Chem and BIo( 80-06)
It can drive you to crazy already.
Good luck in CE

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