
2006-12-15 2:04 am
Q1. Would you like (this / these / that) cake here ...
Q2. ... or (this / that / those) one there ?
Q3. (That / This / These) exercises are very difficult.
Q4. I am wearing new shoes. ( This / These / That) are my favourite shoes.
Q5. Please come here and take (this / that / those) box.
Q6. I prefer ( those / these / that)shops on the other side of the road.
Q7. I'm enjoying the story I'm reading. My best friend gave me --- Please Select --- (these / those / this) book.

回答 (1)

2006-12-15 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1. Would you like (this) cake here ... (這裏的一件蛋糕 , 所以用 this)
Q2. ... or (that) one there? (那裏的一件蛋糕 , 所以用 that)
Q3. (These) exercises are very difficult. (exercises 複數 , 用 these)
Q4. I am wearing new shoes. (These) are my favourite shoes. (shoes 複數 , 用 these)
Q5. Please come here and take (this) box. (這裏的一個箱 , 所以用 this)
Q6. I prefer (those)shops on the other side of the road. (馬路那邊的店舖們 , 所以用 those)
Q7. I'm enjoying the story I'm reading. My best friend gave me (this) book. (手中的一本書 , 所以用 this)
Q8.Look over there! Do you know (those) people? (那邊的一班人 , people 複數 , 用 those)

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