
2006-12-14 11:14 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-15 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1, 稱呼, 如xxx校長大鋻.
2, 自我介詔, 如: 你好, 本人xxx, 乃xxx之家長等, 小兒現就讀於x班等.或已畢業於19xx年等介詔一番.
3, 稱讚對方, 如: 小兒學有所成, 或能學有所識, 或學識全乃 貴校教導有方或 貴校老師全心全意, 校長領導有方, 或學校設施齊全等等客套說話.
4, 入正題, 如: 小兒現有意投考....., 或想參加......, 但對方要求推薦信, 或為了增加入讀機會率, 希望 閣下能高抬貴手, 大筆一揮, 幫忙為小兒草擬推薦信一封, 不勝感激等.
5. 受之以利. 如:他日可服務社會, 為社會出一分力等大義凜然之說話.及會令母校發揚光大等說話.
6. 讚人熱淚, 如: 如校長真能成全小兒, 則感淚流涕, 如再生父母等.
7. 祝詞, 如: 祝全校仝人安康等客套說話.
8. 下款, 如: 家長xxx上. xxxx年xx月xx日.
9. 通訊地址. 最重要是信尾留下通訊地址和電話號碼.

以上為一般請求信之格式, 閣下可依照修收.
2006-12-14 11:22 pm
Im giving you a framework, but you need to give more details.

"Dear Principal,
I am writing to request a letter of recommendation from you for ______________ (tell the purpose). Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

( the 2nd paragraph states the details of what this is for, and what you wish him to write in the letter. )

I sincerely thank you for your consideration and your time. I would be happy to explain the matter to you in person, if necessary, and am reachable at 12345678 at anytime.

Yours sincerely,
Chan Tai Man
2006-12-14 11:22 pm

XXX School

Dear Principal XX:

My name is XXX of Form XX. I have apply for the ( 要你封推薦信的機構名稱/ 原因)
(舉例: International Scholarship) and they request me to submit a recommendation letter issued by the school.

Please kindly write me a recommendation letter for the above purpose.

Sincerely yours,


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