感情問題!!! 唔該

2006-12-14 10:55 pm
係唔係有些乖男仔30左右比較要面和冇膽,他會跟你sd sms 又問你問題,但沒有打電話給你,見到面又好似好nice,如果我打電話給他他會點諗!

回答 (4)

2006-12-14 11:44 pm
If you want to call, just call and you will know what he thinks afterwards. You may try to find some reasons, topics or even excuses to call him and start the conversation. It will be easier. Girls can be more active, but remember to be passive sometimes as well.
2006-12-14 11:05 pm
well many age of 30 men they all different ..many people find sending sms can easily express their self .. calling him would be a good start for both of you not always man starting the first move ..in this modern society..
2006-12-14 11:02 pm
2006-12-14 11:00 pm
I think he has good impression on you and he must be very happy to receive your call.

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