Air Traffic Controller

2006-12-14 9:50 pm
Does anyone here work as air traffic controller? Is the traning very tough? Do I need to have a perfect eye sight?

回答 (3)

2006-12-14 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我有朋友做過, 個training session好辛苦, 過完一關又一關, 要識好多野架.. 不過初初入去果陣會有training比你...
你做得呢份工就要預左好辛苦, 唔單止要shift, 打風落雨你都要返工...仲好大壓力, 因為一錯可以影響到好多野..
參考: 我晌航空公司做過, 一樣咁慘..
2006-12-15 7:46 pm
First of all, air traffic controller is not an easy job. The process is as tough as being pilot but just a different process. I am a pilot. That's why i know a bit about ATC. I sometimes go to their tower and talk with them. Actually, it is comparily more difficult to be an ATC in hong kong than overseas. And even you got the licence, they may not hire you. They will post the job if there are vancancy. You can go to civil air department. They will have post there. You can go and check that out. For the ATC, it divided into 3 sections. VFR, IFR and flight services (FSS) I guess hong kong don't have much VFR controleer since there are not much VFR traffic and IFR controller can also handle that. and they required a catagory 1 medical. FSS gives and provide the weather and flight planning information to the pilot or airport. They required catagory 3 medical which is the same as PPL. If you want more information about being ATC, i can tell you some methods. Contact me at [email protected]
參考: myself
2006-12-15 4:47 am
Do I need to have a perfect eye sight?

you need to obtain class C medical. (or B? can't remember clearly). again, you will need to undergo an eye-sight test. it's difficult to define "perfect eyesight".

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