Which upright piano is better? Kawai K80E or Boston?

2006-12-14 9:41 pm
I understand that both are made in Kawai factory in Japan. But Boston is designed by Steinway & Son and around HK$20,000 more expensive than K80E. Please advise which one is more value for money. Thanks.

Thank you very much for the responses and advice. Please further advise why there are more users opt for Kawai piano than Boston ones? Is it just because of price? or Kawai does better promotion? or Kawai piano has a higher second hand value? or any other reasons?

回答 (1)

2006-12-15 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港天氣潮濕, 所以日本琴會襟用d, 但係音色黎講, Boston當然好d啦
假錢就梗係貴啦, 個款係歐洲設計嘛

其實一部琴可以用好耐, 就算唔彈, 賣返出去o既價錢, 好快就唔同價...
所以唔一定Kawai賣做二手就係好價錢, 所以多人買~

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