
2006-12-14 9:35 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-15 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Growth and height is a measure of the health and wellness of individuals. Under optimal conditions, for age 17 to 20, approximately can still grow 1 to 2 cm/yr .
2006-12-17 2:09 am
咁就奇怪啦 我係女的 20yrs old 近一年高左1.5 cm ps 我有玩跆拳  有拉筋
2006-12-14 10:29 pm
女仔應該唔會再高; 男仔最多再高1-2吋..
參考: 自己, 身邊的同學和朋友, 基本上到了19歲都沒有再高, 特別是女仔, 來經以後就唔高...

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