
2006-12-14 6:20 pm

回答 (5)

2006-12-14 6:27 pm
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May your day be a delight, your tomorrow shining bright.
Happy Birthday to you!

Hope you are having a really nice and happy Birthday!

Wish you a very happy Birthday!
From all of us...

May your day be bright and all that is good shine upon you,
May all that is happy be filled into your heart.
Happy Birthday to you!

Wishing you a birthday that's bright and beautiful
and your lifetime to be filled with happiness.

Hoping all the best things will always come your way.
With best wishes on your Birthday!

Hope your day is filled with joy and blessings.
Happy Birthday!

With much joy and blessings.
Enjoy your Happy Birthday!

With lots of love on your Birthday!

Have a wonderful Birthday and happy days always!

May your heart be filled with happiness today and through the year ahead.
Happy Birthday!

Dear Father, Wishing you good health and happiness on your Birthday!

Dear Mother, There is no one like you in all the love and warmth
you have given. Happy Birthday with Love!

Dear Brother, Wishing you a successful future.
Happy Birthday!

Dear Sister, Hoping you will have a wonderful Birthday!
2006-12-14 6:24 pm
The whole world's nicer,brighter,too,because of thougntfulpeople like you.Happy Birthday!

Thank you for your helping my dreams,my life,my future ,Happy Birthday,sir!

Your kindness couldn't be appreciated more...Thank you very much on your auspicious birthday!

Your thougntfulnell meant a lot .Thank you ,sir.

To Parents

There's happiness in wishing you the jous of a beautiful day and hoping life's most wonderful things will always come your way!

Year by year ,Father ,you mean more and more to those who love you.

Just "Happy Birthday",Dad,isn't much to say,yet in this special message meant for you this special day are many very loving thoughts and warmest wishes,too,for happiness on your birthday and always,all year through.

Only wishes that are made with special love will do for a mother who is wonderful in every way as you!

I know I keep you busy ,but you keep me busy,too.While you're busy taking care of me ,I'm busy loving you .Have a wonderful birthday!

Happy birthday to the best mom a son has ever had!

To Friends

Happy happy birthday chum.There'll be many many more to come!

Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday!

May this your tweentieth birthday be another milestone in a long happy life!

May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happiness unfloding like the petal of a rose .Have a wonderful birthday!

It's good to have one day a year which just belongs to you ,so take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.

Happybirthday ,friend of mine .On this your apecial day ,may gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your may.

May good and kind and loving things be some of the joys your birthday brings.

Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called " a special friend"and that's how think of you and why hope your birthday is the happiest of days!

2006-12-14 10:25:03 補充:
2006-12-14 8:19 pm
we usually use:
-happy birthday to you
-hope u have a nice birthday this year
-hope you are prettier then another day
if u wanna use a very special language, you can:
-happi birdy!!
-happi birdy, HAGS!!!
-happi bir-day, 4ever friends!
-u like this bir-day pa-ty, happy birthday!!
參考: myself, i had a really great party though
2006-12-14 6:25 pm
May all your wishes come ture!!
2006-12-14 6:24 pm
happy brithday to you

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