
2006-12-14 5:48 pm


To hong kong:我看你是誤解我的用意,其實我只是僅從事實上來看問題,我上述所寫的,在一個稍讀歷史人來看都是史實喔! 而且我覺得你有一點曲解我的問題內容 ,例如你的回答3.)中表示:共產黨雖然專制,但也未至於[叫人什麼書也不要看]吧,其實我只是說毛澤東[叫人什麼書也不要看],而没有說其他共產政權也如是.但我可以同你講其他共產政權有叫人讀書,不過讀的全部是讚揚馬列的書,不要說是資本主義書藉,只要書中內容僅在意識形態上有一點和共產主義有出入,也一律禁止.


還有你在回答3.)中表示:基督教徒當然要讀聖經,但並不反對閱讀其他書籍,也不會反對文化,科學或哲學 當然耶教反對閱讀色情書藉,但也肯定反對其他文化科學,例如祭祖是中國人的大事,也是中國上千年的文化,但清朝時,羅馬教皇禁止中國人這樣做,以致梵清兩國不和,而中世紀時期,教會反對日心說,有誰支持日心說或反對耶經之說,肯定立即被人拉去BBQ了,可見耶教是如何尊重文化和科學了.


在回答2.)中表示(當然,歷史上曾經出現過基督教逼迫異教徒,但這並非基督教教義,聖經也明言我們要愛仇敵) 但只要讀一下耶經都知,耶神根本容不下其他外神,例如經中說:"祭別神,而不敬耶和華,那人便要被滅絕",而且更明令禁止做偶像,可見耶神如何要耶徒愛他們的仇敵.所以基督教逼迫異教徒都只是依耶神的指事辨事呢. 在回答5.)中表示閣下指基督教[不科學,弄垮經濟] 你肯定没有看清上文下理,[不科學,弄垮經濟]原句是指(共產政權吹捧的共產主義如何失敗),請你搞清楚.


To maggie^-^:你在文中說:[And regarding to your comment on 羅馬教皇 and 中世紀時期,教會反對日心說....why we have Protestant and Catholic now.] 我要說的是:Martin Luther 反對羅馬教會只是人与人之間的爭斗,而耶經中的日心說被中世紀科學家推翻,證明耶經的謬說,羅馬教皇和教會是依靠耶經謬說而取得巨大私利,推翻耶經就是推翻他們,因此當然是殺無赦.同樣共產主義巳知是謬說,不可行,但共產政權領袖和教皇和教會一樣,是依靠謬說取得巨大私利,當然也是殺無赦,可見兩者是如出一徹.


To maggie^-^:你文中說:(because of our sinful nature)(We are all sinners),就是說你支持原罪論,但我所知"耶經"中根本没有原罪的論調,原罪論是一位不著名的神學家所提出的,當時有其他神學家反對,但羅馬教會為了便於統治教民,也不理有没有聖經依據,一於照單全收.所以你們現在所信的只是"人說",不是"神說".不知你同意否?

回答 (9)

2006-12-15 7:20 pm
共產主意之所以不能在基督教及天主教國家興起, 其實很簡單: 馬克斯只是偷了他們的教義, 再把救世主改成自己的一種哲學, 西方之學者實際上一看便可以看出來, 因此在學人圈子內從來沒有地位, 沒有人推動, 再加上十八世紀理性主義興起後再很多人不再一古老地接受全部教義, 改上改的基督教派更世俗, 誰去信馬克斯, 因此巴黎的第一共產只有注定失敗. 但在此同時古老基督教派的基因在此發生功用: 說不聽便用刀砍頭!, 因此便形成了馬列毛的暴力革命. 想來希特勒也是差不多, 只是把救世主改成他自己.

可以是, 無論共產主義還是古老的基督教都在變, 只是基督教變毋200年, 因此出現19-20世紀的神學復興.
2006-12-15 4:45 pm
2006-12-15 9:35 am



2006-12-15 2:31 am
Christianity requires your absolute belief just like communism, you are not allowed to think or object. Luckily we now live in the place/time that do not use christianity(religion) as a rule, but just a choice. If you don't follow it, you won't be killed or jailed, but just may be distrusted by its followers.
Unfortunately some parts in the world still take religion as a govern tool, and the religion law is the basic law.
And communism can still jail you if you don't believe eg. follower of Falongong.
2006-12-15 1:45 am
I don't know how well you know about Communism. I took political science 101 in my first year (which was quite a while ago...) so I have a brief understanding of various political ideologies. The original idea of Communism was actually pretty good but it is not going to work because it is too ideal; people are too selfish for Communism. In addition, are democracies that good? It is just about a group of people as leaders who seek for their own goods. Of course I am not going to lecture you (plus I don't know where my notes and textbook are anymore!) but there is plenty enough information on the internet. You can look it up. Afterall, what you see in 專政的共產政權 is the product where the original ideology got twisted and the society was reformed by a leader like Chairman Mao. It was very unfortunate.

And regarding to your comment on 羅馬教皇 and 中世紀時期,教會反對日心說, Martin Luther saw that there were problems in the church (not God though) so that is why we have Protestant and Catholic now. We all disgrace the glory of God because of our sinful nature. But please do not blame what we do on God. No one on this planet can claim themselves to be righteous. We are all sinners.

God is the only God not just on the spiritual level (like other gods such as Buddha and etc) but our mental level too (such as materialism and etc). He wants us to focus and look upon Him and Him only. I think understanding our relationship with God is extremely important especially when it comes to our faith. You can only have one man who father you. I honestly don't see any problem with that. What is wrong with your father telling you not to recognize other men as your father? Can it even be possible to have two fathers? If not biologically why spiritually? Moreover, I love my dad because he is special and no one else can replace him. I would never want to call anyone else dad. I can only share this special bond with my dad. Is there something wrong with that? Do you want your children to love some other men like they love you? Is it hurtful if they do? As you said God told us to love those who persecute us. Your mom telling you not to steal does not mean she is telling you to kill all the thieves. 基督教逼迫異教徒 is done under the man's will, not God's will.

I would love to discuss with you further regarding to the brutal claims that God made when you gain a better and more thorough understand of the Bible especially the Old Testament (such as historical and cultural background of that time and place). If you do not know what the circumstances were it would be very difficult for me to explain to you why. Of course I am not a theologist but maybe I can provide you with a different insight.

Best of luck.
2006-12-14 8:24 pm
2006-12-14 6:23 pm

1. 聖經中說明上帝是唯一的神,創造天地萬物的神,其他所有人 (包括了信徒及教會) 都只是凡人,是罪人;而共產黨則將自己黨本身及其領導人塑造成神明一般,是人類救星。

2. 基督教不認同其他宗教,但只限於向其他人傳教,教義中卻不會逼迫其他宗教或強制他人入教,縱然對方不接受也是對方的自由 (當然,歷史上曾經出現過基督教逼迫異教徒,但這並非基督教教義,聖經也明言我們要愛仇敵);但共產黨則完全不容任何宗教或信仰,亦不容許國民信仰自由。

3. 基督教徒當然要讀聖經,但並不反對閱讀其他書籍,也不會反對文化,科學或哲學;另一方面,共產黨雖然專制,但也未至於[叫人什麼書也不要看]吧。那是毛澤東的個人問題,非共產主意的問題。

4. 聖經叫人 [不要怕,只要信],而非閣下所指的[不要問,只要信]。差之毫釐,謬之千哩。事實上,不論聖經或教會都不會叫人[不要問],相反,還鼓勵人就不明的地方發問,去澄清。

5. 閣下指基督教[不科學,弄垮經濟]。事實上,歐美等經濟及科學強國都以基督教為主,不少科學家都是教徒,所以說[基督教不科學,弄垮經濟]是不成立的。
2006-12-14 6:13 pm
為什麼,你們戀要將亞洲的偉人 ,抹黑成為 自以為要取代神的狂妄人!!.

我們要知道的只是, 人生病 原因也就是身體的團結意識虛弱 而被外來的異端生物入侵.

同樣道理 ,國家要不生病 . 人民思想就要統一.

這不就是健康之道嗎? ? ?
孫文的意思不就是如此嗎? ?
這就是新一代 中華人民 的治國理論!!

宗教和 那些種族精神狂熱份子,如果他們欲鼓動 分化中華人民的團結意識.
而不論你們是 自由狂熱份子, 還是 宗教派人士...
中華人民政府 將之拚除,就有如 身體的抗體\白血球 將癌腫細胞消滅而已.我們只屬於自衛行為!!

至於其他,有益於社會的人民.. 我們只會保護他們!!
絕對不容許那些 不法份子動他們一毫毛!!

2006-12-14 10:19:37 補充:
中華人民, 只是敬重有智慧的偉人.不像歐洲國家 , 常常掛著神之名義去侵略別人的土地!!

2006-12-14 11:15:10 補充:
我認為閣下的觀點偏見多於證據了:我們只有就毛主席是偉人, 而沒有說他是神!!我們不理你們是什麼團體, 只要有煽惑人民叛亂 ..影響社會安定的團體我們就會取締!!

2006-12-16 01:34:00 補充:
謝謝你回答者 :dragonpaw5 [小學級 5 級]我知道你指的只是 那個 自稱叫 HongKong的傢伙!!我也認同這種人只有二種背景可能性 :1)井底之蛙; 2)既得利益者. \看他的年紀.如他不是一個羊鼓內的笨蛋,就會有 99.99% 是那種受了妖人收買喇叭手!!
參考: 中國人民的共識
2006-12-14 5:55 pm

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