口不對心 英文翻譯

2006-12-14 5:33 pm
我想問 "口不對心" 英文應該點講!?

回答 (6)

2006-12-14 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
what you say is not what u thinking
2006-12-22 2:31 am
這句至少要改為 What you say is not what you THINK
2006-12-14 11:34 pm
One who acts differently as promised.
He/she didn't do as said.
參考: SELF
2006-12-14 11:29 pm
「口不對心」最近似的英文單字是 duplicity. 請看 Webster 的釋義:
contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action
雖然 duplicity 並不是甚麼艱澀或過時的字, 但日常口語中很多人會把「口不對心」直接"描述"出來, 即 to say one thing and mean another:
"Why do women always say on thing when they actually mean something else?"

2006-12-14 15:30:07 補充:
上例應是: "Why do women always say one..."
2006-12-14 6:12 pm
口不對心即是講假話啦, 可以說
He says “Yes” but means “No”;
He gives verbal promise only;
He speaks false words;
He has another motive;
He has another way of looking at it;
He is not speaking from his heart.

2006-12-14 5:46 pm
口不對心 = mouth incorrect mind

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