
2006-12-14 5:05 pm
題目是 'Why is it so important for celebrities to be good role models'?

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 6:01 pm
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There are two resons that it's important for celebrities to be good role models. First reson is because how they act will totally affect thier image,they will have to be nice and polite to people so that they can have good image. The second reson is because that they can be more popular and famous if they be good role models. They just have to be like that because they are artist.
2006-12-14 6:52 pm
Like political figures, celebrities are presented to the public and observed from all perspectives. Unlike political figures, many celebrities are influential over the younger generation. Along with their movies and music, the media is highly interested in capturing the life of a celebrity and amplifying the story to the eager public ears. Although it is normally the right of any human to maintain confidence of their private lives, the intention of this right is twisted to a celebrity - the paparazzi become all the more hungry for the reason behind a celebrity's attempt at concealment. Hence, with a name and status that is well known, a person of fame carries also the responsibility to lead a presentable and honest life. Being respectable does not necessarily mean having high intelligence or wealth - it is simply the honesty and openness of a celebrity that renders the hounds of media to recognize the line in which they should not trespass. That, in itself, is acting the part of a fine role model to the population of people whom hold in their minds a high position for the celebrity - for his conduct and his art alike.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 14:20:31
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