團購 既 英 文 係 咩 ?

2006-12-14 4:29 pm
團購 既 英 文 係 咩 ?

回答 (5)

2006-12-14 11:39 pm
團購 既 英 文 係 咩 ?
Shopping by group. (一團人齊往購物.)
The tour leader take the whole group of people for shopping in Mongkok.
參考: SELF
2006-12-14 10:56 pm

Buying Group Ticket
2006-12-14 6:10 pm
tuan gou
2006-12-14 4:58 pm
in english no this word!!=)
2006-12-14 4:42 pm
There is no such word. But you can use "bulk purchase" or "group purchase" which will give the same meaning!

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