the sentence is right???

2006-12-14 3:48 pm
i am really weary after work,gasping....I only want to rest rest rest.........but i cannt sleep simetine

回答 (4)

2006-12-14 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
weary 同 wear out 有不同的解釋....
weary: 疲倦的,疲勞的
wear out: 使精疲力竭
況且,wear out 的 past tense 是 wore out/worn out,不是 weared =.=''

I feel wearied after a day's work. I can only gasp. What I want to do is to rest only, but I can't fall asleep sometimes.
2006-12-14 7:02 pm
I am worn after work. Gasping, I only want to rest, rest and rest... but often I cannot because I have trouble falling asleep somtimes.
2006-12-14 4:36 pm
I am really weared out after work...*gasping*
I only want to rest, rest and rest....but sometimes I cannot sleep.

wear out means 使精疲力竭, 被耗盡;磨損;耗盡...
仲有唔洗specify rest rest rest...其實一個已經夠!
2006-12-14 4:26 pm
For me, it got some little mistakes, here's my right way to write it out ^-^:
- I am really weared down after work...*gasping*... I only want to rest, rest and rest,
but I can not sleep sometimes.
參考: Hope it can help you! Good Day! ^-^

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