除左 mc=mr 之外, monopolists 有冇其他方法 maximizing profit?

2006-12-14 9:47 am
除左 mc=mr 之外, monopolists 有冇其他方法 maximizing profit?

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 11:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because a monopolistically competitive firm has some market control and faces a negatively-sloped demand curve, the end result of this long-run adjustment is two equilibrium conditions:

所以唔係話要MC=MR去maximizing profit, 而係maximizing profit既過程長遠會達至MR=MC
2006-12-15 6:29 am
Another way for monopolist to maximize their profit is perfect price discrimination, if the monopolist know all the Willingness-to-pay (WTP) of customers and it can avoid arbritrage, it can charge different customers for different prices (According to their WTP). The profit of perfect price discrimination will be larger than setting one price for all customers (i.e.MR = MC) because there will be no Deadweight loss. In the real word, perfect price discrimination is very rare. Many monopolist use group price discrimination rather than individual price discrimination. Group price discrimination can be implemented by using versioning or bundling.
參考: Managerial Economics

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