Hate where I live.?

2006-12-13 11:01 am
I really hate everything about this city and miss home. I married a man and moved here. Three years later nothing has gotten better. I have no friends. I find the place boring and He has totally changed. I have had this fake smile on my face for 3 years now and I am more than a little tired of it. I find the people narrow minded, drunkards and stupid. I am so ready to go home. What do I do? Divorce my husband go home and start all over again or stay and see if I change into one these people? Which is worse?

I have asked my husband to move back to America with me and he has said no. I truly truly hate this country. I keep thinking oh it will improve. I got a job. I volunteer. I still want to jump from the tallest building. I dont know what I was thinking. I miss home. I go for visites and then I dont want to come back. I stay for months. He gets upset because I dont want to come back. I am finding it most diffcult now at Chirstmas time. I feel guilty because I truly dont like the people here. I kick myself for it. I am depressed and lonely and sick to death of this place. I hate the way I feel too. I want to open and excited but I shocked at silly stupid and narrow minded the people are. And DOWN RIGHT RUDE. I am at the point I dont like looking at the man because HE is the reason I am here.

回答 (17)

2006-12-13 11:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tell your husband you want to go home. Tell him you want him to come, but that you're willing to leave without him.
2006-12-13 11:31 am
Tell you husband how you feel (if you haven't done so already). Then re-locate together to a new place.
2006-12-13 9:47 pm
If you truly hate this country that bad, then I suggest you tell your husband you will be moving back home. It will change your relationship, but from what you describe it already has. I see no need in living in an area you truly hate. You also act as if you are not happy with the husband as well. Move back if you feel your life will be better. Good Luck
2006-12-13 4:01 pm
Never once did you mention the word "LOVE". Do you truly love your husband? If not, the answer is simple, move back home and start divorce proceedings. If you do love him, tell him how you feel. Does he not see how miserable you are? If he knows you are miserable and still does nothing about it, this might be a hint. A hint that he might not care if you go back home. Why do you say divorce your husband go home and start all over again? You are miserable! Wouldn't starting all over again be the best solution. And, you don't have to jump into a relationship right away. Give yourself some time to heal. Enjoy the life you were missing! Good luck to you.
2006-12-13 1:24 pm
Do you have family in your hometown still? If so, take a break away from him and everything else and visit your family for a few weeks. I bet he'll miss you after that and he MAY change. IF not, try marriage counseling before divorcing. You don't just throw someone you married away before working things out with them. Marriage is a lot of hard work. If you're not willing to do your part and try to work it out and see your faults also, what the heck did you get married for?
2006-12-13 11:34 am
i think what concern you not only the place you live but more importantly the relationship with your husband, that's the thing you gotta treasure. you said your husband has changed, you should talk to him about this, what could improve your relationship and make your marriage work. the next thing you do should be asking your husband see if he could move back to your hometown, tell him you cannot adjust the life here even though you've tried. i don't think you should think about divorcing because it's really not easy for two people getting together.
2006-12-13 11:32 am
For your happy future , you must go home and restart all over again
2006-12-13 11:18 am
What ever happen to Better or Worst in your vows??
You don't have to leave for good, try going on a vacation, just to visit your hometown. That's what I did, Do you work? if not ,find something to do, help out the needy people ,having too much time on your hands does not help either. I TOO miss my family & hometown & I 've been here 6 yrs.
I cried for a whole year after coming here, I still don't care for it here, but I have less time to think about it, because I have so much to do. And the internet makes it much better to keep up what's going on back home in Pa.(SMILE, don't let stuff get you down!)
2006-12-13 11:14 am
Have you spoken to your one and only about this sudden change of heart?
If so and he hasn't had any feelings about it tell him you need a break. Go back home and stay with a friend, see what happens. That old saying of "you can never go back" simply means that people you've known haven't held still, they've moved on so, you might not like what you find.
Never burn your bridges before you've crossed them. You might find yourself in a position that isn't so bad after all. If not, make some arraignments with your hubby that will satisfy both of you. If not, your going to have to make a decision but remember, once you've made it, it's for life and, it's your decision, don't listen to others, we can't make that decision for you.
2006-12-13 11:10 am
I am in the same boat...but I respect my husband as head of our household and in the eyes of God I must stay. I have 6 grown children and 9 grandchildren 900 miles from here that I ache for each day. But God is providing food, clothing and shelter for me here. And I want to do what is right so I stay.

You have 4 ways out.....if he cheats.....if he doesn't support you....if he threatens your life with beatings.....if he dies

Sorry hon, pray about it.

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