What is overtrading?過額貿易是什麼?

2006-12-14 7:28 am
What is overtrading?過額貿易是什麼?

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Excessive buying and selling of stocks by a broker on an investor's behalf in order to increase the commission the broker collects.

This situation has been known to arise when brokers are pressured to place a newly issued security underwritten by a firm's investment banking arm.

Also known as "churning".

2. A situation in which a company is growing its sales faster than it can finance them. This usually leads to enormous accounts payable or accounts receivable and a lack of working capital to finance operations.
2006-12-15 5:45 am
Overtrading is a term in financial analysis. It means a corporation is running in a bad business situation

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