地海傳說 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-14 6:50 am

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 7:02 am
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故事好唔掂呀!張貼日期: 2006-12-02 10:39
評論者:monkeyhappyforever | 0個用家推薦這評論 (共2個)
優畫工都ok既 有佢爸爸既影子 不過就一般啦 仍要努力
劣個故事主題好散 唔明確 而且交代唔清楚 好唔知佢想做咩
我係宮崎峻既粉絲嚟架 佢個子我一定俾面入場去睇, 雖然已經聽到不少既劣評. 入場睇唔到主角刺殺佢父王既一節, 好可惜呀! 之後睇都明既, 不過個故事真係好唔吸引, 我入到去睇好似睇緊香港既劣片咁, 真係一啲都無令我有心跳忘我既感覺.不過, 係畫工方面都算係咁既啦,官崎吾朗都有佢爸爸既影子,俾心機應該會追得上佢爸爸既. 配樂方面, 比起哈爾同千尋,相對嚟講真係差好多,只係得一首歌ok啲. 問我失唔失望, 都無既! 知道係宮崎峻既仔既作品,期待唔大,不過佢真係選錯故事了.故事上比狼羊物語還要遜色

悶~張貼日期: 2006-11-29 22:08
評論者:ky11797 | 1個用家推薦這評論 (共3個)

Lack of 'magic' dooms fantasy epic

By Ayako Karino

4.5/5 stars

[. . .]

So, does Miyazaki's 39-year-old son, Goro, have the same directorial magic? Apparently not, at least it isn't showing in his first cinematic endeavor, "Gedo Senki" (Tales From Earthsea). This latest film from Studio Ghibli lacks the charisma that breathes life into Hayao Miyazaki's imaginary worlds, despite the outpouring of assistance from Ghibli during Goro's first adventure in filmmaking.

[. . .]

Unfortunately, "Gedo Senki" is a film that barely scratches the surface of Le Guin's epic. It's no wonder that Hayao was against his son directing the film. Le Guin's novels have been Hayao's favorites for years and have influenced many of his works, including "Kaze no Tani no Naushika" (Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds, 1984). Adapting the famous Earthsea fantasy into a film, it seems, was a little too much for Goro--a former architectural consultant and the designer and later director of the Ghibli Museum, Mitaka in Tokyo.

[. . .]

Perhaps the biggest problem is that the director's circumstances are mirrored in those of Arren. Goro is also struggling to overcome his powerful father and find a place in the world--in this case in the director's chair. Alas, "Gedo Senki" proves he has a long way to go on his quest.

Gedo Senki
A First Response to "Gedo Senki," the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for Studio Ghibli.
Written for my fans in Japan who are writing me about the movie, and for fans elsewhere who may be curious about it.
Preliminary Note:
Very few authors have any control over the use made of their books by a film studio. The general rule is that once the contract is signed, the author of the books is nonexistent. Such labels as "creative consultant" are meaningless. Please do not hold any writer except the script-writer responsible for anything in a film. Don't ask the book's author "Why did they . . . ?" She is wondering too.

hope can help you~!\\\
2006-12-14 6:55 am
參考: my

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