
2006-12-14 6:15 am
我眼蓋位置很乾燥, 近來左眼蓋上更呈橙紅色,仲有少少痛癢

係咪發炎呢? 駛唔駛搽藥膏呢?

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
應該係乾燥jer, 我都試過
試下睇下情況先, 同埋唔好搔佢, 因為天氣乾加上搔佢就會皮膚敏感, 試下搽d eye cream, 如果無搔既情況下都無好轉就要睇醫生.
參考: 自己既經驗
2006-12-14 7:14 pm
i can be infection on the eyelid or inside the eye
i think you better go and see the doctor to see what happen.

my friend had the same problem 1 month ago and he went to my family doctor
he is well now.
go and see him to see if he can help you.
his clinic tel no is 2634 5530

go fast now !!

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