
2006-12-14 4:44 am

我打算二月去美國,但整個二月都係 peak season 以致機票貴到飛起,travel agent 建議我買東方航空(大陸航空公司,英文 China Eastern Airlines),請問佢信唔信得過?我最擔心起飛降落等安全問題。



Thanks a lot!

回答 (3)

2006-12-14 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我坐過,但係去東南亞,冇問題而且d service 重幾好,其實我覺得坐甚麼air line 都冇所謂,正所謂生死有命,大陸機好似唔係好信得過,但係咁大間air line ,佢開得條線出嚟應該冇問題既,慳蕃d錢去玩咪仲好。
2006-12-15 5:09 pm
the airline is ok.
i tried one time. i think that's ok. Service is nice and loading is fine

sometimes, the airlines want to attract more tourist and lower the rate of the air ticket.

don;t worry too much. this airline is safe.

and also, beaware don't bring food or some agriculture products like fish, meat on the plane. Snacks is fine.
and prevent to bring some dangerous goods such as nail cutter, knife....
and also, please check the airport website before u enter usa. Sometimes, for some reason, usa airport will have some anti-terroist measures.

for example, cannot bring shampoo, shower gel, some liquid products on the plane.

So before you go to usa, check the update news on internet first. Or consult the travel agency.

thank you very much. have a nice trip
2006-12-15 11:20 am
難得去玩, 梗要開心又放心la.

東方航空睇落好似ok, 可以睇吓"重大飛行事故記錄" @

飛美國, 唔好鎖喼,唔好帶生果類菜類,唔好帶任何肉類嘢,including 牛肉乾(我試過,個海關死問d人有冇Beef Candy,即係牛肉乾),唔好帶老番CD,尢其software, 捉到罰得好甘),利器最好寄艙.其實好睇你飛邊度,大city 如 San Fran, New York, LA 會check得勁d.


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