
2006-12-14 4:24 am
本人現職garment merchandiser, 但總是寫得不好的英交email.我己經常看英交書 (Business letter 書籍). 看到其它客人的email, 精而簡. 我好想轉做buying office, 但寫不到好的英文email, 而本人又沒有時間返學,也不欲再浪費金錢讀書, 請問有否好的方法呢?


回答 (2)

2006-12-14 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實英文唔好,寫咩都唔掂架。我中五畢業做左十幾年野,成日都比上司話我寫e-mail又長又唔到point架。我都成日借助「Bussiness letter書籍」去寫架,但係又唔係個個case或d客問題都係千篇一侓架馬。所以都係學好d英文先至係上策,但係無天份,學極都唔識,都唔知點算.....唉!!!!!

p.s. Sorry 幫唔到您,仲同您「神」。
2006-12-14 4:04 pm
Knowing that sending emails is not as formal and official as mailing real letters. No body would concern the format too seriously.
Some tips for writing emails:
- Be polite.
- Make the message reasonably short.
- Up to the point(s) you want to say.
- Even write in point forms if necessary.

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