Urgent!!!!!~ 請指出以下三條statement正確與否, 如果有錯, 請解釋

2006-12-14 4:09 am
a) the high charge density and water solubility of heparin are due to its disaccharide repeating units of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine

b) When stearic acid (18:0) is shaken with water and a drop is tested for color change with pH paper, the color indicates approximately pH4

c) Products of amino acid breakdown and transported to the kidney for excretion in the urine. The transport forms include glutamine, alanine, urea and NH4+.

回答 (1)

2006-12-14 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) Yes. The high charge density is from SO4^2-, and solubitiy are due to hydrogen bond formation.

b) Stearic acid, well, itself an acid i will not doubt on pH4. But you didn't tell me about HOW MANY water are shaken with it. Morever, in high pressure and temperature, stearic acid can be hydrolyzed by water. So the pH isn't necessarily be 4.

c) Well, most amino acid is breakdown and becomes urea for excretion. But some exceptional cases, phenylketonuria can occur as disorder.

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