如何用手提電腦 wireless 上 internet?

2006-12-14 3:45 am
I have a notebook with wireless LAN card. Would like to know how to connect to internet by wireless LAN, or mobile phone?

- do I need a connection software ?
- do I need to log on to Internet Service Provider, e.g. netvigator?

really need your expertise advices.....^o^

回答 (2)

2006-12-14 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need an access point(AP) or a wireless broadband router(WBR) in order to communicate with you wireless LAN card.
The AP or the WBR is the one that is connected to the side where the ISP's modem is located. That is, the modem could be connected to one of the RJ-45 ports of the WBR, or could be directly connected to the AP.
Let's assume it is your home network to simplify the matter.
When you subscribe to the ISP, they might provide you with one of the following:
a) an ordinary modem,
b) a wireless broadband router.
If you got an ordinary modem, then you need to buy an additional WBR.
After you have your WBR properly wired, then you need to configure it.
Primarily, you are going to set a password so that others can not use your line.
Just follow the instruction in the WBR's manual.

After properly configure your WBR, then configure the wireless LAN card of your notebook to match the settings in the WBR.
That's all.
It is actually not that difficult as you might think. Just read carefully the manual.

You don't need to install any software to do so.

2006-12-15 15:10:11 補充:
I'm not quite sure if you can use your wireless at Starbuck or Airport as I have not try it before. (I don't drink coffee, nor to airport, neither). But the principle is just the same.

2006-12-15 15:11:00 補充:
As long as you can find some wireless signal at your vicinity, you can try to use it if it is not password-protected. You can try to connect to every possible signal source and see to it if you can get thru without asking you password.

2006-12-15 15:11:21 補充:
How to Scan for Available Wireless Link:1a) If there is a MyNetworkPlace icon in your desktop, Right-Click on it. GOTO 21b) Otherwise, Click [開始], [設定(S)]. Right-Click on [綱路連線(N)], [開啓]. GOTO 2or 1c) Otherwise, Click [開始],[連線到(T)]. GOTO 2

2006-12-15 15:11:32 補充:
2) Right-Click the [無線網路連路], Click [內容(R)]3) Click the [無線網路] Page, Click [檢視無線網路]4) Click [重新整理網路清單]5) Then you will see a list of available Wireless Network at your vicinity.6) Click on each one to see if you can use without password.
2006-12-15 6:59 am

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