
2006-12-14 2:47 am
Warm colours
cold colours
netural colours

回答 (5)

2006-12-16 10:51 pm
Warm colours=暖色:紅,橙,黃

cold colours=冷色:棕

netural colours=自然色;青綠
參考: 自己
2006-12-14 2:56 am
色彩也有分暖色系及冷色系 ,暖色系是[紅 ,黃 ,橙等],冷色系是[紫 ,藍 ,綠等] ,暖色系代表反射率高 ,顏色讓人有一種溫暖及明亮的感覺 ,冷色系代表反射率低 ,顏色有一種冷寞及深沈的感覺 .冷色系色彩可以完全吃或蓋掉暖色系的色彩 ,相反地暖色系就無法改變冷色系
冷色, black ,dark blue, dark green, brown, (all dark colours)
暖色, red, pink, yellow, sky blue, orange,green,purple, ( all sharp colours)
2006-12-14 2:54 am
Warm colours:
Reds, oranges, and yellows are considered warm colours.

Cold colours:
Blues, greens, and purples are considered cool colours.

Netural colours(你可能打錯左字,,應該係neutral colours):
Neutral colours, such as ivory, beige, or chestnut are very uncomplicated and relaxing because they derive from nature.
They may be introduced into the domestic sphere by way of natural materials such as wood, stone, or wicker, and alternatively by way of wall paint, textiles, or cushions. They mediate a harmony, which can seem elegant, sophisticated, or even extravagant. Ivory and off-white are as versatile as white itself, but they infuse any room with a softer, more refined touch.

Neutral colours are the ideal background for rustic interiors involving wood, bamboo mats, lace, cotton, and weavings - the motto is "back to nature". Give up any unnecessary ballast and enjoy the calming simplicity that can be achieved with neutral colours. Neutral colours are well suited for all rooms, especially bedrooms and dining rooms, because of their relaxing and calming qualities.

You don't have to fret about which tone matches your wheat-coloured carpet best - all neutral tones, from the palest off-white to the coolest rock grey, are suitable. When combining shiny and matte surfaces, or textured and flat surfaces, these colour schemes will contribute to the overall gestalt of your interior. Yet another way of making sure that a neutral colour scheme will not descend into boredom, is the introduction of an accentuating colour. Place a vase, a blanket, or a cushion of an entirely different colour, such as lime green, red, pink, or azure amidst the neutral background. These colours will possess an intense radiance without dominating the room.

hope can help u!!!!^^
2006-12-14 2:52 am
Warm colours=暖色=紅橙黃青白等等
cold colours=冷色=藍綠啡黑等等
netural colours唔識,,但我估,,係對比色,因為通常都係關呢d事,,
參考: 自己
2006-12-14 2:52 am
我正係知netural colour應該係將all colour溝埋然後應該有種好似gray colour咁ge 野..
warm and cold colour唔知..sor..
參考: myself

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