
2006-12-14 2:44 am
我想買件厚褸,有啡色,黑色,白色&紫色,我(13~15)歲,個人就幾鍾意啡色,但好似幾老成,我又好多白色t so好多時會撞色,紫色就sharp咗d,由於滑布質地關係,黑色就manish咗d,我自己都覺得自己幾麻煩吓,所以我想搵人比d意見我呀,thx a lot

回答 (5)

2006-12-15 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你鍾意啡色, 點解唔試下軍綠色或者杏色之類既 earth tone 顏色?
manish 都係睇你件摟咩款, 要可愛斯文D, 就選D有蝴蝶結或者泡泡型, 今年好多呢D款...
2006-12-14 2:50 am
白色,因為白色同白色撞趕都OK o嫁!!
參考: me
2006-12-14 2:47 am
if you have a lot of white, i think black will be better
manish? never mind la~

this is only an opinion,
if you really like the other one,
ignore me
2006-12-14 2:46 am
參考: no

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