
2006-12-14 1:10 am
rewrite the following sentences.
1.He does not like eating apples.(dialike)
2.Tom has a lot of homework to do.(busy)
3.The boy continued to write the report.(want on)
4.She longs to receive his letter.(look forward)
5.Seeing the snake,I could not but cry.(could not help)

回答 (3)

2006-12-14 2:33 am
首先要指出你第一句那個 dialike 字應為 dislike, 而第三句的那個括弧內的 want on, 我相信應為 went on, went on 是 go on 的過去式, 而 go on 是解釋為繼續, 即 continue.


1. He dislikes eating apples. (第三身單數應該在 dislike 之後加 s)
2. Tom is busy to do his homework.
3. The boy went on to write the report. (這句應否攺為 The boy went on to write his report? 因是說他繼續寫他的報告而不應說寫這/此報告)
4. She is looking forward to receive his letter.
5. Seeing the snake, I could not help but cry.

2006-12-17 00:57:45 補充:
在補充內居然抄襲本人的答案, 還被記為最徍答案, 真是厚顏.........
2006-12-14 2:16 am
1. He dislikes eating apples.
2. Tom is busy with doing homework.
3. The boy went on writing the report.
4. She is looking forward to receiving his letter.
5. Seeing the snake, I could not help crying.

2006-12-13 18:18:12 補充:
2. Tom is busy with doing a lot of homework.
參考: ME
2006-12-14 2:13 am
1. He dislikes eating apples.
2. Tom is busy with a lot of homework.
3. The boy wanted in writing the report.
4. She looks forward to receiving his letter.
5. Seeing the snake, I could not help crying.

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