
2006-12-13 10:36 pm
有否過來人或同病相連者請教教我.謝謝!!(ICQ NO.259009352)

回答 (6)

2006-12-13 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我廿幾歲, 呢次係我既初戀, 我都係失戀無幾耐, 雖然已經散左個半月, 但心仍然唔開心
初嘗失戀既滋味, 我同你一樣仍然經常會諗起佢, 由其是夜晚訓既時候,
好多時諗起同佢既開心回憶都會喊起上黎, 仲要喊得好厲害, 好辛苦
但我唔會選擇忘記他去使自己無咁傷痛, 因為畢竟曾經愛過,
我反而想將以前曾經經歷過既都記返低, 留返個美好回憶俾自己
無論開心或唔開心都係一個值得記住既回憶, 只可以等時間黎沖淡自己對佢既感情吧!!
而家我想聽佢把聲依然會打俾佢, 有時聽到佢把聲都可以有D幫助,
起碼解到想念既痛苦, 用另一角度睇我雖然已經唔係佢女友,
但仍然可以用朋友既身份去關心自己曾愛過既人, 未嘗唔係一件好事丫
呢個只係自己既個人做法, 並唔知幫唔幫到你

2006-12-13 16:01:32 補充:
睇完你既補充完完全全明明你既感受, 因為我都係一樣, 係我男友提出分手, 話性格不合對我無左當初個種感覺, 我亦一樣試過挽留, 最終佢都係拒絕左, 我都有諗我仲係咁鍾意佢點解佢都要放棄我, 有時都好想仲可以挽救到, 但個次挽救失敗之後我都無再嘗試過問佢有無彎轉, 我無呢個勇氣再問lu, 散左後次次都係我主動打俾佢, 有時係電話度佢問我做咩無野嘛, 個一刻我想話俾佢聽我仲好掛住佢, 但始終講唔出口, 怕有反效果, 有時會諗時光可以倒流既話就好啦, 我一定會更加珍惜同做得更好, 可惜一切都已經改變不了, 希望你同我都可以快d回復好心情, 尋找到我地既Mr. right / Ms. right!!

2006-12-13 17:02:33 補充:
唔使謝, 因為我都想講自己既感受出黎, 以前未拍過拖既時候諗野會好簡單, 只係想有拖拍無諗過失戀既痛苦感覺, 當愛過失去過之後先會深深體會到個種感覺, 諗法都唔同左, 亦都知道愛情唔係付出左就會有相等既回報, 你亦都唔需要唔甘心丫, 起碼我會相信當曾經一齊既時候佢地都有為自己真心付出過就已經夠啦, 係咪? 緣份就係咁, 能夠認識都已經係一種緣, 畢竟無結為夫婦既份, 但都應好好珍惜呀!! 我而家努力緊希望可以做到佢既朋友, 雖然而家都係我主動打俾佢, 但至少佢唔得閒聽我電話都會覆返電話俾我, 傾下閒計我亦心足。你同佢仲能唔能夠做返朋友呀? 你同佢拍左好耐啦?
參考: 自己
2006-12-14 12:04 am
You have to understand that you cannot force someone to love you. Love is a two-way thing. It's like two magnets, if one of them lose its magnetic power, the magnetic field would disappear. If your ex girl friend doesn't love you anymore, what's the point of continuing that relationship, if you really love her, you should wish her happiness with her new relationship. Remember not to put too much pressure on yourself as well, she wanted to leave you doesn't necessarily mean that you are not a good man. However, you still need to reflect on yourself to find out some of the things that you might have done to cause this relationship to break so that you can improve next time. Have some confidence in yourself and be a gentleman, wish her all the best and ask her whether you can still be her friend and keep in touch. That's the best way to leave her a good impression and you should make this impression a lasting one in her mind so that she may come back to you one day realising that you are the only person on earth who loves her the most (comparing with all her other boy friends), which means that you've still got a chance to win her back in the future. I believe love takes time to develop just like any other stuff like your wealth, your business and your friendship, etc. If she doesn't care, then no worries, you don't have to waste your time on her anymore because she doesn't deserve that.

God Bless : )
2006-12-13 11:47 pm
i know how hard is you, coz i had been to that situation like 4 months ago. But i was the one who wanna break up. I felt sad afterward. After that, i came to USA to study, and when time goes by. Hurt is getting less and less.

Time is the most important element. Second, you could do something you like, such as shopping, go to movies, exercise.

sorry, i never use icq. I only got msn!!!
參考: meee
2006-12-13 11:05 pm
時間+ 另一個人的出現
無玩icq好耐, take care!
2006-12-13 10:57 pm
2006-12-13 10:49 pm
 散下心 穩個朋友
參考: me

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