Revocation ???

2006-12-13 8:38 pm
呢句o野點解o架??? 可唔可以幫幫忙解一解俾我聽~~~ THX A LOT !!!!
"A promise to keep an offer open for a fixed period of time does not prevent its revocation within that period unless the offeree buys an option to keep the offer open for a fixed period."

唔該晒~~ ^^

回答 (1)

2006-12-13 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

offeree>我會解為 "向第三者提議的人"

2006-12-13 13:00:39 補充:
re-arrangement of the meaning provided by the translator:除非向第三者提議的人選擇保持提議開放在一個固定的期間, 否則諾言/提議保持開放在一個固定的時期並在那個期間內不防止它的廢止。

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