摆酒地點-朗豪酒店一問? 急!!!!!

2006-12-13 7:30 pm
請問有冇人試過係朗豪坊既朗豪酒店飲過或者摆過酒呢? 呢間酒店ok嗎? 我想係42樓,但唔知好唔好,e.g: service、食物? 請大家提供些議見

回答 (1)

2006-12-13 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I work for a lot of banquets, and I worked there at the langham.

I think the ball rooms and restaurants are ok. The service is also fine. However, the most important thing is... it doesn't worth. The whole thing doesn't feel like a grand hotel. If that's what you are looking for, it's fine. But if you are actually looking for something better, you should go for inter-continental for a venue also in Kowloon.

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